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Throughout the school year we created posters or presentations on each body system here are a few of the ones I did 

This is one of my posters that I did at the beginning of the year on the Respiratory system which is the system that includes the Thorax which has the responsibilities of gaseous exchange between the circulatory system.

The job of the respiratory system is when the air is taken through the upper airways(Nasal cavity,Larynx,Pharynx) of the system and transfers down through the lower airways(Trachea,Bronchial tree and the Bronchi) of the system.

Tinea corporis is a fungal infection that mostly occurs on your arms and legs but can appear on any other body part, its also known as ringworm.Tinea Corporis is caused by a tiny fungus known as Dermatophyte they are Organisms that live on the Superficial skin surface, Which is what causes the infection or rash. Tinea corporis can be a curable disease depending if the medication works on the person.

For this poster we had to choose 3 careers that most interested us. So, for my 3 I choose Dermatologist, Pediatrician and Family Practitioner. Each of them interested me because they are what I want to do for a career. I want to be in the vicinity of children and just on an everyday basis have some new case to tend to. I don't want a boring job where it's the same thing happening everyday that's too boring    

This was my most favorite disease to do a poster on, not only did I do it on a poster but on a PowerPoint too and it was just a cool one to learn more about. Multiple Sclerosis is a long lasting disease that affects your brain, spinal cord, and the optic nerves in your eyes. It can cause problems with your vision, balance, muscle control, and other basic body functions.

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